Tag Archives: quincy chamber of commerce

All About Break Rock Brewing in Quincy

Jay Southwood of Break Rock Brewing shares his story of determination and drive to make his dream of owning a brewery a reality during the start of the Covid 19 Pandemic. His efforts have been rewarded by the great residents of Quincy. John John for this inspiring conversation on the power of having a vision and the drive to make it a reality!

Speaker 1: From the City of Presidents, it’s the all about Quincy podcast. This is your host, John Melley. Join me as we explore the history hidden gems and highlight the businesses with great stories that all tell the tale why Quincy Massachusetts is a great place to live. Hey there, it’s John. How are you Thanks for spending some time with me today, and welcome to the 10th episode of the All About Quincy podcast. I have a very cool interview today with Jay Southwood, the founder and president of Break Rock Brewing, Quincy’s only brewery, and they’ve got a nice tap room too. So we had a fun conversation. I was really impressed to hear his story about how they dealt with Covid and Jay’s drive to fulfill his dream, his mission of opening a brewery right when the pandemic hit. And so we’re gonna hear that story and how he developed his passion for brewing and all kinds of neat things that they’re doing there. As I said at the beginning of the episode, my guest today is none other than Jay Southwood, who is the founder and president of Break Rock Brewing, and he’s also the president of the Marina Bay Business Association. And Jay, this is a busy time of year for you and we are recording this episode on a Friday afternoon just before the floodgates open, hopefully, for your business this afternoon weekend. So I want to thank you for taking time outta your busy schedule to chat with us today.

Speaker 4: Of course, John. Thanks for having us. Appreciate it.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah. No, this is exciting. So we met through Instagram cuz I saw the Marina Bay Business Association posted that gigantic Christmas tree out on the float in the water. And I said, that’s pretty cool. And so I reached out to you, your business is pretty cool and it must be fun to brew beer for a living. So how did you get started in all of this And tell us, take us through the journey of your start in brewing and how it evolved into you being the president of this break rock brewing.

Speaker 4: Sure. I always start this off by saying that in the brewing world, my story is not particularly unique, but to people outside the brewing world, it may appear that way. I started home brewing, in 2009, just trying it out at home. A friend had started doing it, I found it really interesting. Dove head on into home brewing while working full-time in a corporate job. I’d worked for the Boston Brews for a couple years. Oh, cool. And I moved over to a national nonprofit called Jumpstart for Young Children. And I was doing, corporate sponsorship sales for them, but I was kind of getting tired of the cube life anyways. And then I was a victim of a tail end of layoffs at the organization with I think 40 or 50 people who got let go in 2011. I was a little caught off guard by it, obviously shocked and didn’t know what I was gonna do next.

Speaker 4: Exactly. But I had been so far into home brewing at that point that I said, you know, I’m really enjoying the beer scene being around the people in it. maybe there’s a career here. So, found a a, a brewery that is now defunct, blue Hills Brewing Company in Canton, found that they were offering an internship program. So I ended up working there for about a year, volunteering my time, doing everything from now, put labels on bottles, sweeping the floors all the way up to helping with brews. And, met some great people there, including who would eventually become my head brewer here at Breaker Rock Brewing and our co-owner vi Binkowski. So from there got it hooked on at Mayflower Brewing in Plymouth. Started in sales there, knowing full well that I had a decent knowledge in production, but could always go back to it.

Speaker 4: I did not know sales and management though . yeah, that’s a different made in sales to start. Moved inside, worked up from packaging technician all the way to head brewer and was there up until, August of 21, which seems like sanction ancient history at this point, in the buildup to break rock. So kind of seen all sides of the brewing industry, amateur and professional now. And always wanted to open my own brewery, you know, about a year into home brewing the bug bit me. So grew up on the South Shore Marshfield, lived a long time in Cedar Grove, Dorchester. And that’s where I really became most familiar with Marina Bay. Popping over here for, you know, drink or dinner, whatever. When I decided Quincy made the most sense as the largest city or town in all of New England without a brewery, which was crazy to me. A hundred thousand people started looking for some space. There wasn’t a lot of it, as you probably know, if someone has a warehouse or a space, it was usually being bought, developed and gone straight up in the sky. So there’s

Speaker 1: A lot of building going on in Quincy. Yeah. Where are all the people that are built all these apartments over these retail spaces I don’t, I don’t get it,

Speaker 4: But, well, hopefully they drink beer when they do come.

Speaker 1: . There you go.

Speaker 4: We eventually hooked on with, with this space through a friend of a friend who worked for my now landlord here at Muriel. And the space is a little bit around peg square hole for our production brewery being on a boardwalk. And, a couple logistical challenges. But the, the trade off is, it’s just such a beautiful and unique location and it’s really been a wild ride. We opened March 3rd and we were busy just beca because we were a new brewery, got to the summer and in the summer here it’s insane. So it was packed really all the way straight through. Only until now we just started to see, I guess you could call it a slowdown in the tap room, but a relative slowdown cuz just cuz it got a little bit colder. But, it’s been fun. Quincy’s been really supportive. The residents been awesome. and we’ve tried to to give back and be involved in the community as well.

Speaker 1: That’s great. so what is it specifically in the brewing that hooked you What was the, how did the bug bite you What what said, Hey, this is my thing.

Speaker 4: I think it was just, I don’t even know if this is a word. The tangibility of it. Okay. just being able to bring something to fruition from base ingredients, right Mm-hmm. and something as enjoyable as beer. And then once you make that and you’re say, Hey, this isn’t that bad, or Hey, this is terrible, cuz there were those too in the early homeboy days. Sure. Yeah. then it becomes a challenge, which brewers really never stop striving for, is repetition of that beer while maintaining quality control or improving that beer. And that’s the journey for most brewers. You can write a recipes, but can you brew it again to the same specs Can you make it better You know, keep continuing on your education journey. And that was a challenging part for me, which I enjoyed.

Speaker 1: Okay. So the first thing is to achieve consistency in each batch. Correct. But if it gets better, that’s even better. Correct. I get you. That sounds cool. So

Speaker 4: To chase,

Speaker 1: Say again,

Speaker 4: Something to chase,

Speaker 1: And it sounds to me like your career or your journey starting off as an intern in these different breweries and learning that you have to have somebody that sweeps the floors or puts the labels on the be, the bottles and sterilizes the bottles and all the different things that you did that if you just said, Hey, I wanna start a brewery, you wouldn’t even know what you needed. You don’t know what you don’t know until you get in there and start finding all these little parts and pieces that are, oh yeah, I’m gonna need one of those. Oh, I could do that for a while myself, but eventually I’m gonna need one of those things. And then you got into the sales part, right Because yeah, you could make all the beer in the world, but if it’s just gonna sit around in a keg , nobody’s gonna know how to you, you’re not gonna show everybody the right way so that they know to, hey, this is pretty good stuff. you’re just gonna have a lot of stale beer, . So it sounds like your whole journey into this, after you got laid off, it was all necessary to get you to where you are today.

Speaker 4: Yeah, it was a full on head first dive into the deep end of beer education. So I was reading any article I could read, I was getting any book I could read, I was going to any beer fest I could go to just full on immers, immersing myself into the local beer scene. and it was a great time at Boston too cuz this is, you know, 2010 craft breweries are really starting to explode in America and in this region. So new beers were hitting the markets that people had never tried, styles had never tried. So it was, it was a great time to be learning beer and that still continues today, but now we’re spoiled. We have so many great breweries

Speaker 1: Around as well. I understand this correctly. You just opened Break Rock Brewing this past spring in 2022 or 2021

Speaker 4: 2022 March 3rd. We were supposed to open it in 2020, but the world had other plants.

Speaker 1: My gosh. I I, I have to say man, I just admire the heck out of that. The guts for you to go ahead and do that when everything was so unsettled. I, I gotta say that is really impressive. What was it that kept you going toward this goal

Speaker 4: Well, it was probably two things. Mostly the first is just I had set my eyes on this, it’s what I wanted to do and I wasn’t gonna let anything stop me from achieving that. the second thing was more nuts and bolts. We were already two feet in at this point. I mean, by the time this the pandemic came around, we had already signed a lease. We had signed our equipment order and that was all done based on the fact that the bank, we had SBA seven a loan funding. And once you get pre-approved for that, John, you’re talking about like a 90 to 95% close rate, so you’re gonna get the money. might take another month or two. but the bank was like, you’re good. Go do your thing. So we signed that lease, we put out our equipment deposit, you know, we started putting out some money where we needed it to be.

Speaker 4: And then March of 2020 comes along, the bank calls me and says, Hey, we’re pulling the loan. So I was like, okay. So on paper, my wife and I were significantly in debt with nothing to show for it, signing off on the equipment loans and whatnot. So I, I, you know, the world had to be flexible. So I got on the phone with the landlord, equipment manufacturers and any other parties and said, Hey, listen, you know, this is what’s going on. You could sue me and my massive $0 bank account, or you can hang in with me and we can try to find a path together. And to their credit, that’s exactly what they did. But everything was a little bit more expensive build out wise than had been planned. But, eventually we got funded by another bank and got up and rolling.

Speaker 1: That’s so cool. And, and the thing is, is that all those folks were in the same position just on their end. Correct. So they needed people to be flexible with them and, you know, everybody was, everybody needed it. I sometimes wonder, just a side note here, I just wonder how much we all learned from that and whether or not we kind of tried to snap back to the way things are or were prior to without really taking home some of the lessons of, you know, man, we were all in a whole world of heart there and we were patient with each other for a good amount of time. And I don’t see that have having carried over as much as I would’ve hoped for.

Speaker 4: yeah. Hopefully it delivered some perspective to folks. yeah. Yeah. I think if nothing else, if we see something like that again, pandemic or otherwise that has that much of an impact, especially on the e economy and workers, you’d hope that we’d be better prepared to deal with it. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 4: That being said, in particularly in the brewing industry, we saw like a tremendous amount of flexibility and creativity come out of that. Yeah. People doing things that they were never set up to do, but doing it well. So it was good to see there was some resiliency. Resiliency there in our industry and El elsewhere.

Speaker 1: Yeah. But I mean, you know, if you had, you know, folded and went, oh my gosh. I mean, eventually things had to come back or, or something. I mean, . But, yeah. You’ve been rewarded with, the turnout as you were saying in terms of how many people have been, coming to your, your, is it a brew pub or what,

Speaker 4: What is it The, the most common model across the United States The past really 10 years almost now. It’s been the tap room model as it’s called. Okay. So we are a full production brewery. We make all of our beers here. We make hard seltzers here. We are also in the process of establishing our winery license. So we’ll be able to serve some wine here, hopefully by the end of the year. Mm-hmm. . but, the taper model is really designed to get people to you in your space. And we do that by, you know, having a lot of music and creative events and engaging with the community and just kind of keeping it new and fresh. We have some snacks here and we’re not a restaurant mm-hmm. , but we do work with all the retailers down here in Marina Bay. People can order from any of those restaurants and go grab it, bring it back into the tap room.

Speaker 4: You wanna have Uber Eats delivered to you. You wanna bring in mac and cheese from home, that’s fine. You can bring in any outside food you want. And then we do also have, frequently pop-up food vendors on the weekend. So the whole idea is to get people into the tap room and enjoying the beer there so you can talk to them about it, walk them through it, educate them on it. And then we do have a light distribution footprint to go out to some stores and bars as well. But everything is made here. And probably 80, 85% of it is consumed here

Speaker 1: As well. So instead of B Y O B, it’s b Y O F.

Speaker 4: Right. If you’d like , I mean, Vic Victory Point, Donato Fred or owns Victory Point and, boardwalk Pizza. I mean, I don’t have numbers from him, but I’m guessing Donatos sold about three or 4,000 pizzas in here since we opened, so Oh wow. I mean, pizza and beer, it’s like the, the perfect combination. So I know that the retailers and restaurants around here enjoy us having here, cuz yeah, we might steal a beer or two business from them, but we’re replacing it with food and new bodies that might not have otherwise come down to Marina Bay and then they’re popping in there for dinner or whatever. So it’s a win-win that’s

Speaker 1: A cool part of the city. Beautiful. It’s got, it’s the skyline, the water, the great stuff. So aside from Covid, what has been the biggest obstacle that you have had to overcome

Speaker 4: It was really, I mean, not Covid health wise directly. Directly, but the fallout from Covid, I would say has been a little bit of a challenge. Luckily we’ve had great success with staff and I know a lot of restaurants have had trouble staffing. That has not been a challenge. But we have hit, we have seen, cost increases on raw goods. And raw materials go up, freight costs go up. And some of that was related directly to strikes or inability to move things around the country, but even when things quote got better, the prices stayed where they are. So, you know, that’s kind of the way it goes. So I, I would say although we’re financially healthy, it’s been, you know, just kind of a, every week you sit down and say, okay, what’s the new thing that’s gonna cost me more money this week Right. And I feel like that’s still continuing now with the inflationary trends that we’re seeing. So that’s been a little, little tough to navigate. But, you know, you find a course

Speaker 1: My sister has owns an ice cream stand that’s open in the summertime. And the interesting thing for her, not interesting, but the biggest challenge was particularly during covid, all the restaurants, regardless of their format, if they didn’t do takeout, they started doing takeout. Right. And so all of those supplies, like the clamshell boxes and the napkins and the straws,

Speaker 4: The containers Yep.

Speaker 1: All that stuff, everybody was ordering it. So the supply was depleted very quickly. And so it was harder and harder to get, you know, she, her whole business is a stand. It’s, you know, it’s all taken. Right. Right. and on top of that, because of the health regulations, you know, instead of just getting a cone, they had to put it in a cup. So Right. Everybody got a cup as opposed to like maybe 30% of the people who wanted cups instead of cones. So all those little things started to creep in and people don’t think about that if you’re just a customer just walking up and ordering something. Absolutely. About all those little things that instead of ordering maybe six cases of cups for like the month you’re ordering 12.

Speaker 4: Right.

Speaker 1: You know, and I’m just making up those numbers, but

Speaker 4: That time’s a thousand in all those situations. That’s been forever industry. Yep.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And that’s the kind of stuff that I like to highlight in episodes like this that just, you know, you’ve got a great business and you’ve got great customers and all that, but I think it’s important that people realize if they’re not in this game, that there’s a lot that goes into, you know, it doesn’t just come out of the tap. It, it is all the stuff that leads up to that moment. Right. I guess the other question I want to ask you is, what’s been the most gratifying part about your business

Speaker 4: I mean, it might be a little bit of a punt, but just seeing it’s work, working out. You know, I mean, sure. I, I have people close to me, family members, you know, that like in, you know, March, we opened March, a second and, you know, they’d grab me a couple weeks after that and, and say, you know, I just wanna say proud of you and like, I hope you’re taking a minute to, to take this all in. And I didn’t the first week cuz I was just straight out. But there was one night where I ended up being the last person in the building and just kind of sat at one of the tables with the lights off and looked out and I was just like, all right, like, take a breath, enjoy what we’ve done here and keep pushing forward. That was a nice moment. You know, it’s, it’s good to see smiles on people’s faces Yeah. And en enjoying a product that they can, you know, see, touch and smell. It’s not, you know, an app or something like that, or .

Speaker 1:

Speaker 4: So, so the tangibility again, of, of enjoying a beer, sitting with a friend or family member hanging out, watching a game, listening to music. Like there’s, we wanna be a community bar in Z Room and that feeling is very much alive and well down here. So that’s been nice.

Speaker 1: That’s great. And what a great picture you, painted for us in just taking that moment and sitting there. I’ve had moments like that I hope other, you know, most folks have had that experience, but it’s like, wow, this is real now. Right. That’s great.

Speaker 4: It’s important to do, but a lot of people are going so fast they forget to do it. So

Speaker 1: Yeah. I think it’s great. I think that’s awesome that you did that and I hope you have more of those, you know what’s, so today’s your nine month anniversary today we’re recording this. Yep. Congratulations. Thank you. What’s next You alluded to the wine license that you’re working for. What’s next for Break Rock Brewing

Speaker 4: I think we really wanted to just take, if not till the end of this year, maybe till the beginning of next summer, and just kind of find our legs. Yeah. Make sure we’re comfortable in our own home first, make sure that we have beer in our own home, in our own tap room. Establish who we are, what we want our identity to be. And although I think we’re doing a good job of that, we still have things we wanna figure out and get tightened up. Like any business, you, you always gotta be working on that. But I think for us it would probably be in the spring looking to maybe increase distribution a little bit, continue to do some new beers, new offerings, new events to get people down here. So just continue to, to innovate, do some different things and, and keep pushing forward, but start expanding, our market a little bit into, to other bars, restaurants, and stores.

Speaker 1: I think that makes a lot of sense. I’ve often counseled people when they come into, you know, I come from a radio background and if they’re in sales or whatever, there’s a calendar, there’s a cycle to things. So I think it takes at least a year so that you can experience all of the imperatives or the regular things that happen during that annual cycle. So in commercials, just to give you an example, starting in March they’re gonna start, or maybe even late February, they’re gonna start talking about lawn care things, you know, and like the Home Depot or Right. Any, any hardware store, garden center is gonna start advertising town on it.

Speaker 4: Yep.

Speaker 1: PR cleanup and all that kind of stuff. And then shortly after that, it’s the Memorial Day, 4th of July thing, and then right after 4th of July, it’s, they’re already advertising back to school.

Speaker 4: I know. It’s

Speaker 1: Crazy. And then, you know, Halloween and then Christmas and Thanksgiving and all of that. And so once you get through that cycle, like I’m sure you are so busy this summer, you’re like, wow, we’ve gotta increase production to meet the level of demand. And you probably have a better idea now on what those numbers are going to be for next year. And maybe you see a lot more, or at least a little bit more so that you can gear things up so that you’re not playing catch up as much. And I, that makes a lot of sense to me.

Speaker 4: Yep, that’s exactly it. We just need to know our numbers and, and use it for projecting in the future and saying, all right, should we be adding or sizing up tanks here Should we be looking at contract brewing elsewhere I mean, down the road do we look at, you know, opening a production facility and keeping Marita Bay as kind of our, our tap room front door to the public these are all questions that will need to be sussed out, but you’re right. Getting one year kind of proof underneath us and knowing what to expect is the baseline.

Speaker 1: How long, you know, when I was talking with the folks who make the candles, oats Home co folks and one of the episodes, they talked about their process of how they develop new scents for their candles and mm-hmm. experimentation that they go through. I guess it’s kind of like asking how long a piece of string is, cause it varies, but how long does it take for you to, let’s say, make a new flavor

Speaker 4: So there’s a couple different approaches. If we’re, if we’re wanting to brew a new style, which we do pretty frequently, you can kind of pick a style that you wanna make by the book and like work back on that. So you research some traditional approaches to making that beer or evaluate a spin that you might wanna put on it and you can just kind of dive in. You have experience with your system and training as a brewery, you know what numbers you need to hit and how to formulate a recipe properly. Beyond that, if you wanted to experiment with things, you can do bench trialing. So you might pull off a sample of your beer or a similar beer and add something to it to see what kind of flavors like, you know, if you wanted to add chocolate to an imperial cell or something like that.

Speaker 4: Huh. you can try all them at that way. We’ve been doing that a lot with, we make a, a, a hard seltzer called The Wall, which is a 13% cocktail selter that we do. Most of our other seltzers are 5%, seven, seven and a half percent. But this is like a big boy. We’re never gonna be able to do spirits here. So this is the closest we’ll get. But that’s been pretty fun vi’s been heading that up mostly. But we come up with a list of cocktails and say, you know, what’s achievable here So she’ll get fruit purees and extracts and powders and spices and try to recreate all these cocktails. So we’ve had rum and Cokes and Palomas and the Marina Mule we called it and Bellinis and like all these different cocktails and they’re really great cuz the 13% Selter is just a nice neutral base and then you can just kind of add on top of that. So that’s something that we could expand on or maybe even can that going into like next summer.

Speaker 1: Wow. Creative. I love it. So it sounds like you got a lot on tap.

Speaker 4: Yes.

Speaker 1: Sorry, I had

Speaker 4: you had to take that pun. Gotta do it.

Speaker 1: .

Speaker 4: Low hanging fruit.

Speaker 1: . Thanks for playing. At any rate, I gotta watch our time here, but, tell me a little bit about the Marina Bay Business Association and, how that all evolved.

Speaker 4: Sure. So I’ve been familiar with Marina Bay since I was a kid growing up on the South Shore, and then in my adult life getting over here a little more to, to see it, enjoy it play, but it’s had a couple different iterations in its lifetime. some found fondly remembered by locals, some not so fondly remembered by locals. Yeah, there’s a lot of history down here between Dennison Field and Amelia Earhart. Ted Williams flew outta here when it was in, it was in when it was an airport, I should say a Navy runway ship building history down here. And then of course there’s the modern history of, you know, the marina being developed. And now it’s, I quickly realized after opening here that, you know, there’s this weird dichotomy in Quincy that Marina Bay kind of isn’t, Quincy isn’t Boston, it just kind of its own thing.

Speaker 4: It’s not really, you know, one of the neighborhoods so to speak, which I just disagree with. Now, living down here, being down here for nine months, it is a neighborhood. It’s got 4,500 people. It’s not just one development down here anymore. It’s got, you know, 60, 70 businesses that are down here including, a Fortune 500 company and FedEx. So like, there’s a lot going on down here. There’s families with kids living in the buildings that you see strollers and dogs and there’s just a lot to it. And I think the city, you know, I’ve told Tim Kale and the mayor this, like, I don’t think we’ve done a good job talking about it. It’s such a unique property between Boston and Cape Cod rather this waterfront boardwalk that people come from Marshfield or Dedham or Watertown, places that are close by and they walk up on the boardwalk and they say, damn, like, I had no idea this was down here.

Speaker 4: And that’s a problem. Like, we’re not talking about it enough, but they’re blown away when they see it. It’s, they’re like, it’s like San Diego or the cool parts of the Jersey Shore. So, we can do a better job promoting it. And the idea was, forming the Marina Bay Business Association, which is a wing of the Quincy Chamber of Commerce. Shout out to Tim Kale for making that possible, saving me a lot of time and money and not setting up another nonprofit. Right. we, we just got, put an open invite to businesses. It’s not a dues based organization, so Okay. You know, we’re not chasing people down for a couple hundred bucks, but more sponsorship driven. So we wanna do events here, which started with lighted up this past week and we kind of passed the hat to sponsors to see who can kick in and make it work.

Speaker 4: And for the most part, especially in the boardwalk directly, I mean, almost everyone got involved down here in sponsoring Muriel. My landlord, was our lead sponsor all the way down to some smaller businesses and individuals given a couple hundred bucks. It all helped. So we, we, we wanna keep doing more of these events and try to showcase the neighborhood a little bit more. Light it up itself was, really just decorating the, the entire boardwalk and marina for, for the holidays. And last Saturday was a fun day. It was a really fun day. We had, the mayor and a couple other folks down here that said that they hadn’t seen this many people on the boardwalk since the tent days. And there’s probably, I’m hearing 2000 people about to watch Santa come in by boat and Christmas hiers and we had a holiday market down here and we’ll be doing more of that.

Speaker 4: The lights are up through January 5th and we have, Santa and the Boy Scouts down here this weekend selling wreaths. So there’s, some programming that goes on through January, but get down here and see the marina. It looks super cool at night with, the nice floating Christmas tree that you mentioned earlier. Curtis Safe Harbors, marina Bay, who runs the marina here, they built that super cool wire tree. Looks great. So come down, check it out. It’s pretty festive. We had a lot of smile on families here last week. It was good to see it so alive.

Speaker 1: That’s great. Yeah, Tim was great. He was on an episode of the show and, he really knows a lot about Quincy and he just loves helping Quincy business and promoting Quincy. I I said to him in the episode, I said, you used to run campaigns for yourself, but now the City of Quincy and its businesses are now your candidate. And so you’re correct helping them. So, Jay, thank you so much for taking time here. if there’s one thing you want people to know about Break Rock Brewing, what would that be

Speaker 4: We’re proud to be Quincy’s only brewery. We’re putting out quality product down here. Our staff has a great reputation for being kind and warm. They’re good people come down here, especially in the off season. This is when the businesses down here need the, the help the most. but in general, just telling the people at Quincy like we are here. We did a Fredj Jacks, rugby Game Fest, poured at one of their games, the, two of them this summer. And I was shocked that most of these people are from Quincy and would tell them where they ask where you’re based. And I say, marina Bay. And they’re like, wait, in Quincy I’m like, yep, come up there. We’ve been open since March, so it’s a big city, but also a small city. So we’re just trying to spread the word that we’re down here and come down, have a beer with us.

Speaker 1: Well, hopefully this episode helps people do just that. So before we jump off, Jay, just tell everybody how they can get in touch with you at Break Rock Brewing

Speaker 4: Website for Break. Rock Brewing is www.breakrockbrewing.com. Find us on, social media at slash Break Rock Brewing.

Speaker 1: That’s great. Great. And that is M B B A, quincy.com. You got it. All right. That’s great. Well, Jay, thanks again so much for taking time outta your busy schedule to be with us here today.

Speaker 4: Thanks for having me, John. It was fun.

Speaker 1: All right,

Speaker 1: Well that’s it for this episode of the All About Quincy Podcast. I want to thank you for listening. Hey, if you know of someone, maybe it’s yourself that is a business owner, historian, something neat going on in the community, an unsung hero in the city of Quincy, we want to hear about it. If you think you should be on the show or if you think of someone who should be on the show, we wanna know, just go to all about Quincy podcast.com. Click on the contact button in the upper right hand corner and fill out your name, email address, and a short paragraph of why this person should be on the show. We would love your suggestions. Anyway, until next time, thanks for listening and I’ll talk to you real soon. Take care.

Episode 003: Quincy is all “A-Buzz” With Bees!

So complete this saying: Bibbity Bobbity…..? Not Boo!…


Sam Jennings

Bibbity Bobbity BEE! Yeah! The reason I’m saying ! Bibbity Bobbity BEE is this week is pollinator week. And to celebrate pollinator week, I am interviewing a beekeeper. Sam is from Best Bees. I mentioned in my last episode that I have a couple of honeybee hives in my yard and I love them. And my neighbors love them because different houses around the neighborhood have all these types of fruit trees and they’re getting more fruit. Plus my blueberry bushes are booming.

Listen to how local businesses and developers are incorporating honeybees into their plans!

Honey Bee Swarm Links:

From the city of presidents, it’s the all about Quincy podcast. This is your host, John Melley. Join me as we explore the history, hidden gems and highlight the businesses with great stories that I’ll tell the tale why Quincy, Massachusetts is a great place to live. Hey, there it’s Jon. Thanks for joining me today. I do appreciate it. Welcome to episode three of the All About Quincy podcast. First thing I want to do is thank folks for their kind comments about my interview with Tim K hill from

Speaker 2: Last week. Alicia, Janet, thanks for reaching out on Facebook and giving me a thumbs up or a nice comment about that episode. I really do appreciate it.

Speaker 1: A lot of people don’t know a lot about the honeybee.

Speaker 2: So I thought that it would be a good thing to do, to have a beekeeper on and talk about it. So I mentioned a couple of things in my interview with Sam from best bees. And I want to direct you to the show notes for this episode. It’s episode three at all, about Quincy podcast.com. And when you go there for this episode, you can see a couple of videos. One video is of the beekeeper, literally putting her bare hand into a cluster of honeybees that have swarmed and landed in one of the bushes in my yard. The second video is that beekeeper capturing the queen and putting it in a temporary hive. And I’m literally standing in my yard in jeans and a t-shirt with my iPad, recording the swarm, flying around me and I was perfectly safe and it was so cool to see. So if you want to see those videos go to all about Quincy podcast.com, episode three and click on the show notes and you’ll be able to see it. We also have some other links there for anybody who’s interested in learning more about bees. This is a little longer

Speaker 1: Than the other episode. So let’s just head on over to millions. You were saying, as I mentioned at the beginning of the show, my guest today is Sam Jennings, who is the sales

Speaker 2: Manager and beekeeper at the best bees company in Boston, buh, buh, buh, buh. How are you, Sam?

Speaker 4: I’m good, John. Thanks for having me. And you deal with honeybees, not bumblebees,

Speaker 2: Cause that way we wouldn’t say the best bees company of the bumblebees in Boston. No,

Speaker 4: We, we primarily work with honeybees. but we all do. We do it for all bees too. So, you know, honeybees are an indicator species that we’re able to use for research purposes to measure the health of the native pollinator species around our beehives.

Speaker 2: Now, folks listening to the show may be wondering, why am I talking about bees Well, I have to tell everybody that I have a couple of honeybee hives that Sam’s company, the best bees company helps manage. And they tend to every month. And, we get honey from, and Sam is involved with some beekeeping in Quincy. We’re going to talk about all kinds of things, but we’re going to be talking about the importance of honey bees and pollinators because this is pollinator week in June. we celebrate pollinator week and I have had an interest in honeybees that goes back to my childhood. I think my parents or an aunt gave me a national geographic subscription for kids. And along with that subscription came like two or three hardcover books. And one of those books, Sam was on honeybees and from very good. Yeah.

Speaker 2: And from an early age have always been fascinated by honeybees. And then when I was a kid, my parents had their house painted by a guy by the name of Mr. Thomas. And Mr. Thomas also kept bees. And one day he came to finish up painting and he brought this gigantic jar of honey and it was a really nice gift and it was delicious. And I was just fascinated about honey bees and beekeeping. And I don’t keep these cause I got enough on my plate. And I think my wife would be like, you’re going to

Speaker 5: Do what now. But she, she

Speaker 2: Read an article in Boston magazine, I think a number of years ago. And she said, oh, you might be interested in this. And I said, oh, this is kind of cool. And it was one of those things where I said to myself, Sam, I said, if I’m still thinking about this a year from now, I’ll look into it some more. And so I did, and I’ve been a client of yours ever since. I know I’m talking a lot, but I love the honey bees. They’re very relaxing. And, and your son done

Speaker 4: Quite well, haven’t they in Quincy You’ve had it. You’ve had a hive go three years and you’ve got one hive now that’s on year two, right

Speaker 2: Yep. That’s correct. Yep. We had a it’s server. That’s a question that I get asked all the time and is when the winter comes, people say, where do the honeybees go And I say, they are right there in that box. So incredible. And people are amazed by the explain to people why honeybees stay in their hive over the winter and that whole process.

Speaker 4: I know it’s crazy to imagine them, you know, finding a way to stay warm on these cold, new England winter nights. But, you know, with best bees, we don’t move the hives down south. Some beekeeping operations may be, you know, moving the bees down to Florida. There’s Snopes snowbirds that go down there and, you know, collect the forage and, produce more bees down there to extend the season. But, you know, at best bees, we were about establishing the hives on site to survive the winters year round, making sure they have enough resources and essentially what they do in the hive over winter is they cluster together around their queen. There’s one queen and then a bunch of worker bees and every beehive. And they, they use their wings, they beat their wings, creating friction, creating warmth and heat for the hive, in this ball of bees, basically that’s just in the center of the beehive.

Speaker 4: You know, they’re not really fully hibernated. They do have a reduced metabolic rate at that point. But, you know, if it warms up on a warm day, about 50, 55 degrees, you’ll see them come out the door and, you know, use the bathroom, do a cleansing flight as we like to say. but you know, they go right back in at nighttime and, and, and cluster together. And they, they move through the hive is a ball actually to access their honey stores over winter. And, early March, sometimes late February, the queen begins to start laying her eggs again, you know, preparing a new batch of worker bees for the spring season. And from there, the colony will grow in time with the early nectar flows here in new England. It’s really

Speaker 2: Always fascinating when that starts to happen in late winter, early spring, as you were saying that there might be some snow still on the ground and you do you see these bees flying out and then you’ll say like these little orange droplets in the snow and a bee poop. Yeah. And I’ll have it on my car. And sometimes I’ll see it on my car as I’m going to go drive somewhere. And I may not have noticed that there they’ve been out, but I’ll see that and I’ll go, oh, they made it through the winter or they leased. They’ve made it this far. One of the questions that I, yeah, I get that question all the time. Where do they go in the winter time And their honeybees are different from a lot of other bees species in that they collect extra honey so that they do make it over the winter. Am I correct

Speaker 4: Yeah, that’s right. There’s over 20,000 different species of bees. Some of them are solitary bees, bumblebees Mason bees. And they don’t always, you know, live the same type of life as a honeybee would in the sense of, they don’t have a large colony and hive where their instinct is to collect, a surplus of resources. So they just operate a little bit differently. Overwintering in different types of social environments. Sometimes all of the Queens will, you know, return to the same location to cluster together for winter and then disperse back and start new small little nests. But there are so many different bees and, it’s always great to see different types of bees species because it does indicate, you know, that your area is, healthy enough to sustain different types of pollinator populations. Essentially. They’ve also, you know, all these different bees have evolved over time in step with plants. And so each of them has a different length tongue. So certain bees have really long length, length, tongues, or medium lengths, shorter length tongues. And this allows them to forage from different flowers. So not every bee species will like even forage from the same set of flowers. And they, you know, they use different methods to get that nectar, get that pollen from flower. Oh, that’s

Speaker 2: Interesting. I didn’t know that one comment. I get a lot when I’ll be out. I, I think we talked before we started recording this program. I have a couple of dogs. You have a dog and when I’ll be out walking the dog, somebody else will say, oh, how are the bees Or if they don’t know that I have bees, I’ll talk about the bees to somebody. And a comment I get a lot is, oh, you know how you can get rid of those. And yeah. And I’m saying, no, I don’t want to get rid of the honeybees because they, this is on purpose. They’re there in my yard on purpose.

Speaker 5: The honeybee

Speaker 2: Really isn’t interested in people. It’s, they’re interested in, they’re interested in flowers and water. that’s also cool. I have a little bird bath and sometimes they’ll cluster around the edge of a bird bath on a hot data and you can see them drinking and flying back to the high with it. It’s cool. but you know, the bees don’t sit there and are flying around and go, oh, look, there’s a person. Let’s go get it. unless you’re like diving into their hive and really disturbing them, or you’re SWAT nap them while they’re trying to do their thing, they don’t care about us. Right Yeah, that’s right.

Speaker 4: Yeah. They’re, they’re completely, non-aggressive, you know, honeybees, especially, but even all of the other native bee species, including like yellow jackets and wasps, for the most part, when you encounter them in the wild they’re foraging, they’re searching for food, whatever that may be, you know, honeybees are looking for flowers. they typically know exactly where they’re going in the hive. They communicate to each other where the nearest nectar and pollen sources are. So those worker bees are following these predetermined flight paths, right to the source. So they’re busy, you know, they’re making trips back and forth and they’re not concerned about you. If they bump into you, they keep it moving. A lot of gardeners will know this, you know, as they’re gardening, there’s going to be bees on the flowers, bees in your plants. And, you can move them, brush them aside, pick the flowers, shake them off the bees.

Speaker 4: Aren’t going to get disturbed by even that type of activity. It really comes down to defending the hive itself, defending their, their nest and their queen. So when those nests and those hives get disturbed, that’s when bees do exhibit their defensiveness and they don’t do so independently, collectively they start to release their defense pheromones, which really trigger that defensive response. And it’s limited to the hive itself. So, you know, the best thing to do when you see a nest is to take a minute to reconsider, you know, disturbing it, it’s not going to be something that, you know, would be done quickly and even consider whether or not the bees are any nuisance to you. or if they’ve just found a great home because, you know, the native bees especially are dying and anywhere they can find a home is just a great success story. We want to keep those bees, you know, where they are and help to repopulate their populations in areas all across the country. So

Speaker 2: You bring up a couple of interesting points that I wanted to talk about since they are dying. And let’s say, somebody says, oh, I’ve got bees in a crack in my wall. What should they do You know, should they call somebody to have it removed Should they buy some poison and, and squirt it into the wall I mean, what’s a good ecological thing for people to do when they find something like that, where, you know, B doesn’t care. If it’s a house or a tree, it just says, Hey, this looks like a good spot.

Speaker 4: Right Yeah. Well, I would definitely advise not to use any sort of like pesticides it’s, you know, it’s bad for the bees, of course, but it’s, it’s gonna, it’s, you’re, you’re not taking care of the situation, you know, bees and in walls. it’s pretty rare, but it can happen, especially with like old sheds and things like that. And depending on your situation, it can be pretty tricky to access them. So there’s always, you know, the local beekeeping association, there’s one for every county, you know, there’s a statewide directory. Anyone in the country can look them up and contact their local beekeepers if they have some honeybees to relocate. But when they’re in the walls, you know, it can involve needing, you know, to like open up the walls and things like that. And, you know, you want to remove everything. You don’t want a bunch of dead bees running in your walls, even if you do want them removed at all costs. And you’re, you’re willing to do pesticides, it’s still probably not a good solution. So we would always advise to relocate them and, do so in a way that involves a professional beekeeper or local beekeeper so that you or your contractors and, you know, getting to knee deep in a beehive inside of your house,

Speaker 5: cause

Speaker 4: There’s ways to safely do so. And then it’s kind of a fascinating experience. Maybe, you know, your local beekeeper can help you get it set up in your backyard and in an actual beehive, giving them a proper home. but you know, there’s also other types of bees out there that tend to gravitate towards wooden structures. If you’re familiar with like the, the Mason bees or the, carpenter bees. Yeah. Any, yeah. Especially coastal homes, untreated wood, they really love stuff. And, one thing you can do is obviously plug up the old holes, but you know, also spray them with some just natural peppermint oil and soapy water to keep the bees out. You can do that during the day and they’ll go find a new home or, you know, plug up the holes. But you know, untreated wood is what they like. So if you keep that painted or you keep it sealed, they’re not going to be as likely to take up shop in your house or in your shingles, peppermint oil and soapy water. Yeah. There really

Speaker 2: Is. You know, you don’t have to go and get the stuff that I want to talk about weed killers and all that kind of stuff in a moment. But the other thing I wanted to talk about, which kind of has to do with the safety of honeybees and all of that one point, I take my lawnmower and go right up in front of the two beehives. I have two of them. And you know, if I stood there and held the lawnmower in front of the hives, they’d probably get aggravated, but they don’t care. I’ll just walk right through them as they’re flying in and out of the hive, Hey, don’t bother me. I’m not bothering them. And it’s people think I’m nuts, but like you said, here, they’re on a mission.

Speaker 4: Exactly. That’s how bees work. You know, you, you going by with the lawn mower, you know, some guard bees might take notice, but they’re not going to have that response. Cause like I said, they have to release their pheromones. So you really have to like disturb the hive itself, open it up. And then they start to release their firearm owns and exhibit that defensiveness. But, it typically takes some time and you know, you coming by with the lawnmowers, they’re probably familiar. They probably know you and are familiar with that sound. And they know it’s not a threat at this point. Right.

Speaker 2: That is, that’s very true. The other thing is, is now we’re in prime swarm season, correct

Speaker 4: Yes we are. Yeah. And

Speaker 2: I remember I’ve had the swarm a number of times the first time it ever happened.

Speaker 5: I didn’t know what was going

Speaker 2: On. I was like, oh my God, what have I done Because it was like this clone of bees in the yard and it was, they were just, they filled the yard at any rate. We had another swarm where we have two colonies and that’s why we have two. We had, the beekeeper come cause I called and I said, Hey, look, they’ve swarmed. And they’ve clustered on this Bush. That’s really low. We can capture them. And she came and with her bare hand, stuck her hand in the cluster of bees and just pulled out a handful of the bees and nothing happened. And I thought, oh my gosh, look at this. And then she, captured the queen and shook a bunch of them into this, portable hive and trimmed these little branches off and shook them all in. And as the queen was moving from the Bush into the portable hive, the whole yard just filled up again with the swarm. And I was standing there in a t-shirt and jeans and my iPad recording this, we’re making a video of it and I’m standing there in just in this swarm and you know, nothing happened

Speaker 3: And it, people look at it and

Speaker 2: They go, weren’t you scared And I said, no, because, and you explain why swarms aren’t anything to be afraid of.

Speaker 4: Yeah. So for the listeners, a swarm is actually a normal thing that these do. It’s a, it’s how we refer to a specific behavior. When, you know, the bees produce such a large population that the queen no longer has an ability to lay eggs. You know, it’s kind of their natural instinct to swarm. So at some point in the season, typically, you know, may and June, the queen decides it’s time for her to leave the hive and go find a new home. So she’ll release a specific pheromone that communicates to the bees that this is happening. Half of the population will eat as much honey as they can to prepare for the journey. And half of that population of worker bees will leave with the old queen. And, when they leave the hive, it’s a lot of activity. You know, it’s like a big amount of bees kind of flying through the sky altogether.

Speaker 4: they don’t go very far, typically stay within the property and, perch up on a tree branch like you described and like a cluster of bees. so they kind of stopped flying as much and they become this big clump of bees that is just dangling from your tree. And they’re there at this time. They’re completely docile. So once they’ve decided to swarm, they’ve left the hive, they no longer have a home to defend and they don’t exhibit any defensiveness. They don’t release defense pheromones. And like you saw with the beekeeper, we just walk right up to the hive or the swarm cluster. And we just grab those bees and put them into a container that we, you know, established into a new beehive. And essentially if you can grab the queen and the first clump and get her into the box, if you can’t access the remain, the remainder of the swarm, they’ll actually follow the center of their queen right into the box. And so you’ll see them actually walking in like a line going right inside of where we’ve, we’ve moved to the new queen. It’s

Speaker 2: Fascinating to watch because she got the queen into the box. There was this big cloud of bees. And then she said, okay, I’m just gonna leave this box here and go look at the hive that the group that was left behind and within 10, 15 minutes, all of them just coalesced into that travel hive, if you will. And it was fascinating. It was like, they all suck themselves into this box.

Speaker 5: Yeah. They were so happy

Speaker 4: To find a new home. Yeah, it was great. It was a good spot for them because typically they don’t find a great home. They’ll typically die or get eaten by some birds or, you know, they’ll maybe find a tree, but it’s not great for overwintering. So it’s always good to find a new home. And, you know, back in the hive that the queen left behind, she’s got half of the worker bees are, and they’re developing new Queens, which will then hatch in the next few dates. And those Queens that hatch actually will, will battle for control of the hive. And the surviving queen, you know, will then take over by, you know, going on a mating flight and then returning to the hive to, you know, start a new, you know, lineage, so to speak. So as beekeepers, we try to mitigate this behavior by taking what we call like artificial swarms or splits from the hive and removing some of the brood frames and kept queen cells to prevent the queen from thinking that she needs to leave, you know, making sure that she feels like she can stick, stick around. And so, you know, inevitably over the years, you know, it’s, it’s possible that your hive will swarm, but it’s actually a really good sign. And, you know, it’s a good thing in healthy behavior for the bees, but of course, you know, urban beekeeping being our specialty, we want to, you know, prevent swarms from, you know, happening as much as possible just to cut down on the new sense of just, you know, bees ending up in places where bees were not expected. Yeah. You see

Speaker 2: Him like people just cars in a parking lot, somewhere they’re land on the door handle or something. And it’s like, oh my gosh. But yeah, it’s really, they’re really, really, I can attest they’re harmless at that. Definitely.

Speaker 4: And they’re fascinating too. So if anyone ever sees them check out those beekeeping associations, I mentioned local beekeepers are always looking to catch swarms in their area. bees are limited resource. We don’t always have, you know, bees for everyone every season. So anytime we can access new colonies, like swarm beekeepers are, are looking for that. So, so contact the local beekeeping association, if you do come across a swarm, send them a picture and let them know where it is and they’ll be right out to collect it.

Speaker 5: And best bees does that too. And you know, I’m going

Speaker 2: To put the contact information for you folks in the show notes. And also I’ll go find some links to those beekeeping association, actually the local one here, because this is the Alabama Quincy podcast. So that actually leads to an, a nice segue about Quincy. And you’ve been involved with a number of installations in Quincy. Talk to us about that. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 4: As you know, Quincy is really going through quite a revitalization. You could say these years as it’s been a cool to see, it seems like more and more people are really excited about the future of Quincy and, and, I’ve seen a lot and of course, environmental impact, and we have to think about habitat. and so with bees and pollinators in general, habitat loss is the number one reason for their decline in health. And we’ve partnered with a local real estate company called Foxrock properties. And they have, office buildings in north Quincy, Quincy center, south Quincy. And they’ve been a big part of the, you know, development there in downtown Quincy. And, what we’re doing is installing beehives on the rooftop, maintaining them and engaging their tenants and really fun educational programs. People get honey from the properties. and we’re also doing research.

Speaker 4: So we collect data from all of the beehives we maintain, including yours strong. Yep. So that visit data helps us to manage the hives, but it also helps us to look at and quantify pollinator health in certain areas. Basically, like I said, they’re indicator species, the native pollinators are difficult to study. They don’t have hives. We can look at their solitary and it’s hard to really keep up with them. So the honeybee health is a really good indicator of the native species health. And we’re looking at a colonies health over the years, as well as diving deep into the data of their nutrition through honey DNA, actually take a small sample of honey from the hives, send it to our lab for genomic analysis. And then we get back a full list of the different plants that the bees forge from to produce that honey.

Speaker 4: Oh, that’s interesting. Yeah. It’s like the 23 and me of, of honey, you know, we learned, learned a lot about their tie it and, of course, you know, it’s similar to people. A diverse diet does correlate with better bee health and there’s gaps in forage. You know, some places don’t have enough plants maybe in early spring or late fall to sustain healthy colonies of honeybees, which is a good indication that there is also not enough habitat for the native species. So, you know, we’re doing this in Quincy where we’re monitoring, you know, bee health and Quincy and, you know, through our partnerships with companies like Fox rock properties, we can advise on plantings and habitat restoration that will impact all pollinator species. And, you know, being able to measure that over time is really important. So we can actually see the difference in habitat and diet changing in the bees over the, over the years. And, you know, it’s a fun thing. It’s fun thing when you have bees at work, you know, so it’s a cool thing to do and get to have fun, fun bee related events, you know, beehive tours and honey tastings. you know, the honey can be used to create honey ice cream or honey beer. And there’s a lot of fun, fun things that these, properties will do with, with the different companies that have offices

Speaker 2: There. That sounds like fun. I just have to let people know that I have this dog in the background who is snoring. So if you hear little snores, that’s Zoe the wonder dog sleeping in the back of the studio here. It’s a good job. Yeah, exactly. Anyway, you’re talking about, gaps in forage it’s pollinator week. What are some of the things that people listening if they’re interested can do to create a more pollinator friendly environment in general,

Speaker 4: Number one, obviously plantings, anything we can plant to create forage for the bees is great. A really great resource is these are CS for invertebrate conservation. it’s a long name, but the website is xerxes.org. Yeah. There’s just, they’ve really great local guides, for pollinator habitat establishment. you know, you can plant things, that bloom in early spring and late fall, those are really good for bees because that’s typically where we notice the gaps in forage. and then there’s also great guides for things like establishing pollinator Meadows, you know, Meadows of native wildflowers to new England that are blooming year round and providing that food for them year round. So, you know, number one is plantings. Number two, you know, cut back on all of the pesticides. It’s just, it’s tough to see people spraying so much that they may be not needing to check in with your landscapers, if you don’t do it yourself and really check in to see what they’re using and if it’s necessary, or if there are natural alternatives, it really affects the native bees even more than the honeybees where they just don’t have, you know, a whole population to rely on or a queen who can just lay even more eggs and create more bees.

Speaker 4: It’s just, you know, pesticides can wipe out populations.

Speaker 3: Yeah. And I also have to think

Speaker 2: On some level it’s, it’s hurting us. I mean, eventually it gets into the food supply and it makes its way into us and it kind of have to wonder. So do you know, I mentioned, I think it may have been before we were recording, but I’ve actually taken a mixture of vinegar and water or mostly vinegar and just squirted it on, some weeds popping up in the middle of, you know, like crab grass coming up in between some bricks in my walkway or something like that. Or are there some natural things that people can do that are totally benign to pollinators and people and really inexpensive, but very effective. Yeah.

Speaker 4: I mean, what you did is a great option. I think that that, that works really well. You can also put down like a tarp and cover up the area from any sunlight to kill all the plants or weed them yourselves. And, you know, the biggest thing is like when things are in bloom, maybe consider leaving them it’s pollinator week. If you’ve got, you know, weeds that are blooming, you know, they may not look as great to you or you might not want them, but they’re, they’re essential food for bees. So I always say, if you can leave them, that’s great. But if not, you know, try something natural, like you said, or, you know, weed them yourselves and just never, ever spray any sort of pesticide or chemical treatment on flowers in bloom because that’s, you know, that’s a stop for a bee somewhere to, you know, grab a bite to eat. And, you know, you just don’t want to have that, you know, be exposed to the whole colony or, you know, kill the native bee. It’s just, best to leave the weeds or do something like a little more natural. Okay. A lot of people might be thinking, well,

Speaker 2: What’s the big deal on a site Well, we get a lot of our food from these, these pollinators. So it does impact us.

Speaker 4: That’s an entire ecosystem, you know, not only are a hundred over a hundred fruits and vegetables that we eat pollinated by honeybees and other bee species, but know that the thousands of different plants, you know, that, that require pollination, to survive. And, and, you know, these native bees are a part of a big ecosystem and they’re dying. They’re disappearing due to habitat loss from development from people, you know, having just green lawns and removing all the weeds. And it’s just so important that we don’t lose these species and the biodiversity that we have already here in Quincy or in new England, it’s, it’s under threat and we have to really be considerate to why we are landscaping and the ways that we are. And, you know, what are some simple ways that we can have beautiful flowers, but also contribute to the health of our local ecology.

Speaker 2: Sounds great. So I would be remiss if I didn’t let you talk a little bit about what the best bees company does. Why don’t you tell everybody what the best bees company does So the services you provide and if people want to learn more, how they can get in touch with you. Yeah,

Speaker 4: Of course. It’s, you know, the best bees company is a national group of beekeepers. We have beekeepers in 14 cities across the country now, and we provide beekeeping services. It’s really the hands-off approach to having your own beehives, supporting pollinator research and even producing your own honey. So, you know, we’ve designed things to be just all inclusive of everything needed for happy, healthy honeybee colonies, including the beekeepers. So you wouldn’t have to do the work yourself, but you, you know, have your own bees and learn a lot about the process. and like we were saying, we take a real data-driven approach to it. And, you know, view all of the bees as indicator species. We’ve got a sister non-profit research organization called the urban bee lab that actually takes the data that we collect, and analyzes it alongside other data sets with our research partners, helping to advance our mission, to improve the health through research and expand populations.

Speaker 4: But, you know, it’s a cool thing to, and your beehives not only are producing delicious backyard, honey, they’re also, you know, NASA data points helping with, you know, studying the native pollinator species around your area. And, you know, spring is here. We are still installing beehives and areas around the country. So if you are interested, you know, especially in Quincy, we have beehives and, and are doing that all this month. You can get in touch with us at dot com, book an assessment, or give us a call at (617) 445-2322. We are local we’re Boston area based. And, now we would love to have, you know, some more beehives this season, you know, in your, in your backyard or on your rooftop.

Speaker 2: And I have to say, I mean, I’ve had, I don’t even know how long I’ve been a client of yours now, but it’s been at least seven years, I think. And it’s, it’s one of those things that it’s been a lot of fun. And what Sam says is true. If you’re, if you’re looking to do something, to help the environment and also have some fun, but not have to really do a lot yourself, you just kind of give them a spot in your yard and they do it all. And another question I get all the time is how much honey do you get And I said, well, it depends, depends on the weather, depends on a whole bunch of factors. One year I didn’t get any, but you folks provide some anyway, because sometimes that happens, colony can be just a little slow and not really kind of get, established and, and you need to make sure that they have enough food to make it through the winter. Cause that’s the goal. I think you have a program where you’re guaranteed at least a minimum amount of honey. Yeah.

Speaker 4: Yeah. We, you know, we’ve got, we’ve got other hives too, that we maintain in our reserve AP areas. So we provide, you know, every client with five pounds or more of local honey at the end of the year, if they’re calling these don’t produce, you know, it does happen when establishing a new colony because we want to make sure that they have enough resources to get through winter, especially here in new England. but, it’s those subsequent seasons when they make it through winter and then go into spring healthy and a strong population, they really can capitalize on that early nectar flow and produce, you know, quite a bit of honey as you know, I mean,

Speaker 2: Somebody said, how much honey did you get Well, I said, one year I got like 49 pounds on him. And

Speaker 5: He’s like, really I said, yup. Yup.

Speaker 2: So, you know, if you’re looking to do something and it really helps. Oh, and my neighbors love it by the way, Sam, because, well, they love it because not just for the honey, but they have apple trees and pear trees and peach trees and berries and nuts and all around the neighborhood. There’s people with pear trees and apple trees and the guy, I was just talking to my neighbor. He said, my apple tree is absolutely loaded this year. And, and, and so he’s all excited. And so, I mean, it, it, it has effects just beyond your yard. It does good things for the neighborhood. And, if you’re looking for a hands-off thing to do, give Sam a call. What’s the phone number again saying,

Speaker 4: Yeah, it’s the phone number for best bees is 6 1 7 4 4 5 2 3 2 2. And you can also check us [email protected] Sam. I want to thank you for

Speaker 2: Your time today. You’ve been very generous with your time and, thank you so much for sharing some information. Is there anything else that you want to share with our listeners that you make sure gets out before we end the show Yeah,

Speaker 4: I, I would say, you know, make sure that you’re doing something this pollinator week for the bees, you know, sprinkle some wildflower seeds at least, and, you know, get in touch with best bees, even if it’s just to, you know, keep up with the pollinator research that we’re doing. John, thanks so much for having me and giving me the opportunity to talk about bees on your podcast. I talk about bees all day long as you can imagine, but it’s always great to, to share with a larger audience. And I’d love to give a shout out to, you know, all of the, best bees Quincy clients, who I hope are listening. Thank you guys so much for the support and, John, thank you. Welcome

Speaker 2: Sam. Thank you. And, and good luck with what are all the stuff you have going on for pollinator week

Speaker 4: Yeah. Thank you. It’s a, it’s a busy time of the year Springs. A great time to be beekeeping, but we are busy. So thank you, John. Yeah. And good luck with everything else this spring you’ve got. Yeah. Thank you. Maybe they bothered AB that was really

Speaker 1: Cool. That’s it for this episode next week I think we’re going to have some folks on it from the Quincy historical society, leading up to July 4th independence day, make sure you tune in for that. And if you have an idea for someone who should be a guest on the all about Quincy podcast, go to all about Quincy podcast.com, click on the contact button in the upper right-hand corner and tell us who they are and why you think they should be a guest on the all about Quincy podcast. We want to interview business leaders is storylines, unsung heroes. If you think they should be on this show, we want to hear about it. So go to all about Quincy podcast.com, click on the contact button in the upper right hand corner and send us the email until next week. Thanks for listening. 

Episode 002: Tim Cahill Campaigns On Behalf of City of Quincy Massachusetts

Tim Cahill

Speaker 1: From the city of presidents, it’s the all about Quincy podcast. This is your host, John Melley. Join me as we explore the history, hidden gems and highlight the businesses with great stories that I’ll tell the tale why Quincy, Massachusetts is a great place to live. Hey, there is John, how are you I know you have a lot of things competing for your attention. So thanks for spending some time with me today. I really do appreciate it. Welcome to episode two, where we have a very interesting guest Tim Cahill, who is the well, he’s got an Amazing resume.

He’s currently the president of the Quincy chamber of commerce. And Tim has had an amazing career and a lifetime of public service and one observation that I made, and unfortunately it was after we stopped recording. And I said to him, you know, you’re still campaigning. It’s just that rather than you being the candidate, you’ve replaced yourself with this city of Quincy and you’re campaigning for the city of Queensland. He, he liked that analogy. So let’s just dive into my conversation with Tim and I’ll talk to him a little bit at the end.

Speaker 1: As I said, at the top of the show, my guest today is Tim Cahill. Now most of you folks Listening to the program probably know who Tim is, but in case you don’t, we’re going to go through a little bit of a chronology before we have our conversation. so let’s just start at the beginning. First, Tim was Born.

Speaker 3: You will lose them in the first minute. If you go there,

Speaker 2: let’s just start with his professional chronology here. He was the founder and owner of a place called handshakes cafe from 1982 to 94. You own that for 12 years. And during that time, he also served as a counselor at large on the city of Quincy city council for 15 years. He also served as the Norfolk county treasurer from January of 1997, January of 2003, then he became the Massachusetts state treasurer. Tim served as the treasurer and receiver general of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2011 and the middle of all that he decided he was going to run for governor, which he did in 2009. He has also been a guest host of WBZ radio’s nightside with Dan Ray. He now serves as the president of the Quincy chamber of commerce and the executive director of the Quincy economic development corporation. So I think we can make a couple of assumptions. You probably know a couple of things about the city of Quincy. I know. Yes, yes. And that’s why we’re excited to have you on as a guest of the, all about Quincy podcast. So thank you very much for taking the time to

Speaker 3: Be here and you missed my first job, which I don’t blame you because it wasn’t listed. But my first job out of college was, well at first, very first job was in the Quincy park department or our mayor’s father ran the park department back then. I was under age 14, but I’m tall. So I made the cut. And, my first real job out of college was as a tour director at the Adams national historic site. So very fun history, a little bit. That’s that’s, that’s my, that was the beginning of my, sort of my historical education about Quincy. So, I can go deep if you want, or we can stay on the, on, on the surface. But, that was my first and one of my favorite jobs of all time,

Speaker 2: I can imagine it would be, I, my dad grew up in Milton and so we would come and visit my grandparents and we would come down the expressway and I would see the signs for the Adams national historic site for years. And it wasn’t until I married my wife and moved to Quincy and, started to poke around the neighborhoods and all of that, that I was like, wait a minute, we have the writer of the Massachusetts state constitution and a writer of the United States, constitution, presidents. And first ladies right

Speaker 3: Here inside of the declaration of independence. I mean, you, I mean, we could go on and that would take up the whole show, but, and I’m happy to do it by that. It is, it’s an amazing city. It’s amazing modern city, but it’s also amazing historical city.

Speaker 2: Yeah, it, it is. My first guest was Annie Dow and she is a lifelong resident of Quincy. my wife is a fourth generation Quincy resident. And one of the things that I said to Annie was that, one thing that I know about people who are from Quincy, they’re passionate about the city of Quincy and very proud of being from Quincy. And we were talking about all the things that Quincy has like with the new restaurants and the history and the different neighborhoods. I’ll walk around with my dogs and I’ll meet people and they’ll say, oh yeah, my parents have lived here and my grandparents have lived here. They’ve been around a hundred years, but then we have a large population of new folks to the city and a revitalization that’s going on in the city. So there’s a lot of stuff. We have an ocean on one side and the blue Hills on the other side and quarries and highway that runs through

Speaker 3: The middle of it really has everything. I was just selling our city to some out some folks who were looking to do some business in the year. And the conversation was exactly what you just said. We got the water a mile from where I am in Quincy center. We got the blue Hills about a mile from rain in west side, of Quincy center, beautiful historic district and a great urban, but not to, or even talent field, you know, I mean city, but you still feel like you’re in the suburbs. You got a patch of land. Most of us have driveways. They all work and stop. So I’ll start or something. I don’t think there’s a better place in America, in the United States of America. And I don’t think there’s a better country than the United States. So in my mind, Netflix, Quincy, top of the list in the entire world,

Speaker 2: Well, there you go. You’re an advocate for the city, aside from all the wonderful things that you just mentioned, what is it about Quincy that really, in your opinion, you have a lot more experience in the city than I do, but what do you think it is that drives that hometown pride spirit that people in Quincy have

Speaker 3: Geez, that one’s, it’s tough to put into a sentence, cause it’s a feel and it’s a hard one to articulate, but I think there’s a sense of genuineness and Quincy that you don’t find everywhere else, even for newcomers, for, for people who’ve been here forever. I mean, it does say take some time, like you said, a fourth generation, Quincy resident is still a newcomer to some folks here, but at the same time, you know, we’ve got first-generation immigrants, especially Asian, Chinese, Chinese, right. It means. And I feel honestly that they’re as welcome and they feel as welcome to this community as my grandparents, Irish immigrants, that my wife’s Italian immigrant grandparents felt maybe even more so, cause I think we’re a little bit more, I for legal, more open to new customers now than we were back then, but they all settled here and it might take a generation to become sort of part of Quincy, but I’ll tell you someone who’s seen tremendous highs and also some pretty deep lows in his life.

Speaker 3: People in Quincy will stick with it, no matter what they don’t care about your pedigree, they don’t care about your title. if you’re a good person, they’ll stay standby here, no matter what kind of issues you get into. And and that’s what makes it special. And it’s different than some of the other communities on the south and north shore and, and elsewhere, again, it’s hard to put in a sentence, but I think there’s a genuineness year in a, in a willingness to reach out that you don’t just find everywhere. Especially in the city of a hundred thousand people, it’s like a small town, you know, very D kind of small town, but yet it’s a city of over a hundred thousand people, each generational multiethnic, and yet people still want to come here and once they come here and they want to stay,

Speaker 2: Right, what do you think And I know you have to be because of your position, but what’s, what are some of the favorite things that you like about Quincy, aside from what you just talked about I mean, for example, Annie, our guest last time. So you said she loved the parks department because of the summer summer camp program that they had when she was growing up. And so those are some of the things that she likes. What do you have as memories from your childhood that you remember about Quincy that made it special for you

Speaker 3: Well, I agree with Annie, I lived at Kinkaid park in, Southwest Quincy, growing up, playing whatever sport was in season. And you had a great youth program back then played football for the Elks for Dean football. And then interesting. When, when I had one of my statewide campaigns as an, with four young daughters, we couldn’t go on vacation one summer because I was too busy campaigning. So my wife, we stayed home. You know, we stayed in the city and they took advantage of the recreational opportunities. So they learned to sail at Black’s Creek. Oh, cool. Thanks. Sports. And sailing is something that we never would’ve been exposed to. So there was so much to do I, my favorite past time in the city of Quincy, outside of coming to work and trying to help in ways that I can here at the chambers is walking.

Speaker 3: my dad was, a big Walker. He was known as a Walker. He would put in 10, 50 miles a day and I had a driver’s license. I was walked to work. And even when he retired, he just kept walking. So not to sound silly, but I’m following in his footsteps in some way. just sort of finding paths. And I think the pandemic really opened my eyes because there wasn’t much to do. You couldn’t go to the gym. Work was not, everything was closed. It was, to me, it was a really interesting time to be able to enjoy the city without the traffic, without the congestion, without things that were bothering us prior. I mean, I’d be, I walked literally in the middle of the street, there was not a car coming in, either direction for the whole walk and finding some parts and some trails outside of the blue Hills, just through the neighborhoods.

Speaker 3: Lindsey is my favorite pastime outside of spending time with my family or being at work in that. And it’s interesting what you find walking, what you discover walking, if you don’t discover a dragon. Oh, sure. Yeah. Little houses, little businesses, parks that, and then just open space. There’s plenty of it in Quincy. I mean, tons of it and the city’s done a great job in this modern era of really maintaining those products, adding to them, making, creating new parks and new walking paths and stuff. And we’re working on an, on a, really exciting, program with the city called the presidents trail, which comes from my interest in history, my interest in walking and the fact that we’ve got all this history, that’s just got a city here. I know chamber and the city have gotten together and we’re putting together what’s called the president’s trail that will connect.

Speaker 3: It’s a walking trail and urban walking trail that will connect all of these significant historic sites in Quincy with really beautiful historic signage, a map, an app that you can follow along with self-directed self, you know, self guided. And, you are literally walking in the footsteps of John Adams, John Quincy, Adams, Abigail, John Hancock, cause all the signs was signified. What was going on at this site at the time, usually in, mostly in their words in quotes that came from John Adams diary or Abigail’s diary, as you said at the outset, there is no other place in America that is the birthplace and the resting place of two presidents, two signers of the declaration of independence. I mean it’s unique and that history, and I think this is another thing that makes Queens unique is history is still important, but it doesn’t overshadow the progress in the future. You know, we’re kind of going in two different directions in this presence trail is a way to capture that history and allow people to walk through new Quincy while experiencing full Quincy. And we’re really excited about that. Hopefully we’ll be kicking it off sometime.

Speaker 2: That’s very cool. That’s very cool. I’ve often, I’ve often wondered this may sound kind of geeky, but I’ll say it anyway. I’ve often wondered if John Adams or John Quincy Adams and Abigail Adams, if they all came back now, what would they think

Speaker 3: You know, approximately might be horrified because their farm is much smaller than it was when they, when they left. I, I, you know, I, you know, it’s funny. It is G and I, but I can identify, cause I think about a lot, you know, what would it be What would it be like if you came back 200 years from now, what would you see What would you recognize and what wouldn’t, you obviously there’s so much that it’s changed, but that church where they used to worship that is still there. Yeah. The graveyard where his father was buried and his ancestors are buried is still there and the birthplaces and the birthplace.

Speaker 3: And so I think he’d be honored because to know John Adams know that he lived in a turbulent times and when he died, I don’t think he realized, I don’t think he ever thought he would be remembered, certainly not a month. The grapes like Jefferson and Washington soft spot in his, in his personality that he’d been overlooked. And we have David McCullough mostly for that resurrection of John’s reputation because he did a marvelous job of uncovering and then promoting how important John Adams was an Abigail. Both of them were to the founding of this country. Oh, definitely. Yeah. That inspires me. And it’s really brought a lot of, I think it brings a lot of pride to those of us who live here to know that again, we walk in their footsteps.

Speaker 2: Yeah. What excites you the most about the future of Quincy You have a kind of a bird’s-eye view of greater sense of the opportunities that are coming to Quincy, stuff that you can talk about. What, what excites you the most about the future of Queens Well,

Speaker 3: I liked the development that’s taking place, and I know that isn’t universally loved by everyone in Quincy, because change is hard, but change is important in a city, in anything, in a person in the city and the entity and a business. If you don’t change that, if you don’t keep growing, you shrink. And so I’m very excited with the way we’ve been able in the city. The mayor has been able to incorporate the new with the old, and I like the fact that there is also open space being added, even though the buildings are getting bigger than they were in the past is always based around those buildings. They don’t feel quite as big and it’s not a clunk, it’s not a concrete jungle. And as they look out the window of my office, it never will be there’s trees everywhere and green space.

Speaker 3: And I think that’s, that’s why I think Quincy has boys too, to accelerate and grow even more so in the 21st century, because we’re not stuck in the past, we honor our past, but we’re not stuck in it. And I think that’s, you know, I, I work in a beautiful art deco building. It was built in 1929 Quincy’s first skyscraper, granite Trussville. Yep. And I can imagine back when the opera was king was building it, how on what used to be a church ground How waterfight people probably were that this huge building with an elevator was going in and now it’s an historic building or building other buildings sometimes bigger. So, you know, that’s, again, that’s why Quincy is different and why it’s cool and why I think it will always be a great place because there’s always a turnover in, in sort of the, the population, as I told you, as you know, the quarries and stone covers brought the Irish, the Swedes, the Italians, all, all looking to make it in America.

Speaker 3: And then, yeah. Then what was the last two, you know, 20 or 30 years the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Koreans have come Indian American Indians from the country have come and, kind of invigorated. They are the new shopkeepers. They are the new restaurant owners. They had a new dry cleaners. They had the new sort of American dreamers. I think that really, that’s the other thing about Quincy, it’s an economic city in addition to being a historic city, where the birthplace of Dunkin donuts, the birthplace of Howard, Johnson’s the birthplace of the Grossman companies, all businesses that were instrumental in the 20th century country to where it is today. And to me, that’s exciting. I mean, we’ve got a company in Quincy right down the street from me in Quincy center called IntelyCare – a health company. That’s created an app, that allows nurses and people in healthcare to sort of create their own jobs and go where the jobs are.

Speaker 3: And then now the fastest growing private company, one of the fastest growing private companies in the entire state and one of the top fastest growing companies in the country. And again started here probably in the last five or six years. And it’s sort of a, you under the radar Quincy company that could become the next Uber. Wow. Because that’s what they’ve created. An app based technology that allows people who are qualified to be nurses, get picked the jobs that they want to pick when they want to work and stuff. It really is. It’s a great healthcare tool, but it’s also a great freedom tool for people who have the skillset and want to, you know, work nights, work, weekends, work around their families and stuff. And that’s just one, I there’s another company called dive technologies that is building the next generation of underwater, autonomous underwater vehicles submarines. Wow. They building them on Willard street using a 3d printer.

Speaker 2: Sure. No kidding. That’s fascinating.

Speaker 3: And, and, and those, those are two companies we’re associated with that I know of. And I guarantee there’s a, there’s a dozen or more that I don’t even know yet, but they will. And they were born with a small group, you know, a couple of guys, a couple of friends who decided, Hey, this is what we’re going to do. And they’ve done it here in Quincy. So that’s, that’s the thing that gives me a lot of hope going forward. And as you said earlier, I was an entrepreneur at the beginning of my career. And I get to work with entrepreneurs now at the end of my career. So I’m blessed in that sense. And those are the people. Again, they, they motivate me, they motivate me and they inspire me because they’re doing what I did when I was in my twenties, hopefully doing it better and more successfully than I did. So, so it’s a great place for people to either live, work or play. And, you can do it all here in Queensland. and we, we love the creators and, this is a great place to, to do that.

Speaker 2: That’s great. Yeah. You mentioned Howard Johnson. I was just telling a friend of mine that my grandfather knew Howard Johnson. It’s, it’s fun to hear all those names and you don’t realize that these are started local, but became national chains. I mean, Dunkin

Speaker 3: Donuts, the flow of the world, and they started the Southern artery. And that first story is still there and rock the donuts and pouring the coffee.

Speaker 2: The funny story about that real quick household hazardous waste collection day, the city holds it twice a year. My wife and I pulled up and got in line with some paint or something like that. And we’re sitting there and it was the summer date and we had the windows open and we’re parked in front, across the street from the Dunkin donuts. And the pan mass challenge was going by and there every other group of bicyclists they’re going, Hey, that’s the original Dunkin donuts. No, Hey, that’s the original Dunkin donuts for 20 minutes. And just basically everybody riding by going, Hey, that’s the original Dunkin donuts. I said, I should call up the sales rep at the radio station and say, I’m going to set up a camera on a tripod and just record this and they can use it for a commercial.

Speaker 3: Well, interesting fact is that we, we started a hall of fame business hall of fame a couple of years ago here at the chamber, right before the pandemic in 2019 and Duncan, we inducted Duncan as the first member of that hall of fame. Sure. We want to honor the businesses that have come before us and, and really stepped up this year. We’re going to be honoring a company. Queensland company called granite city electric started was started by an Italian immigrant in 1923. And they, one of the biggest electrical distributors in the, in England right now. So like I said, we, we, we honor the, the founders and the people who got it started and we were excited to follow and maybe create the next generation or at least be part of the next generation. So somebody can drive down the street someday and say, that’s where in Telecare was started. That was the first one, or that was, you know, the first something else. But, you know, like I said, there’s, there very few dull moments in Quincy that’s for sure, because you can always drive down some street and someone will point something out that you had no idea it was there. And when you think about it, you said, Jesus, it’s pretty special place.

Speaker 2: Well, I want to thank you for taking time out of your schedule, to be on the show and share your insights and your knowledge. Is there anything that you’d like to share with the audience before we sign off

Speaker 3: Well, I mean, there’s, you know, as you said at the beginning, I’m the president of the Quincy chamber of commerce and, w I think we play a valuable role in promoting Quincy, as you can tell, I’m a promoter, I guess, at heart, and, and it’s easy to sell something when you really love it strongly about it. So, we, we just think that there, there is not a better place to do business if you’re lucky enough to find a place to live and raise your children as my wife and I did here in Quincy, like I said, it’s just, we feel blessed. We feel blessed to be here. and I think it was David McCullough that might’ve said it or someone else. I read it. You know, you, you, you need to appreciate not just where you were born, but where you are in life and in the world and stuff. I mean, we could have been born in a country, a third world country that where we struggled and we didn’t have, we, we, we often shouldn’t take for granted what we have complete Erica being born at this period of time. And we know there’s a lot of challenges out there and struggles, but overall there’s no better place in the world. And no other time, I think as much as I sometimes reminisce or romanticize, what would it be like growing up in the revolutionary war period I don’t think I could have hacked it back then.

Speaker 3: Tougher w when I read history, I said, geez, that’s, you know, I like having, you know, cooking in an oven as opposed to an open flame, you know, into a, into a plumbing and things that we take for granted that the rest of the world doesn’t have. Right. And so, you know, and I think we have a duty. I certainly feel that way too, to make sure that you send that message out there, whether it was in politics in business, or now in the chamber, I just want to, I’m not selling anything. I just want to really promote what the good things that, that take place in, in Quincy and in this world, because we should be appreciative more so than we are so greatest country in the world. I felt that way for a long time. I still feel that way. And we just happen to be in the best city of the greatest country in the world. So w w w lucky, and I want to spread that message as much as you do

Speaker 2: Well, that’s good. I completely agree with everything you just said. And, I want to help you spread that message. So thank you for being here and that with us and your insights and for sharing your time with us today.

Speaker 3: Thank you very much. And, and how do we catch this, podcast And we subscribe to it. What’s the best way to

Speaker 2: I listen to it. it’s on apple podcast, it’s on Amazon, it’s on Stitcher. And if that doesn’t work for you, you can go to all about Quincy podcast.com and you can stream it there. Thanks,

Speaker 3: Tim. Great. Thank you very much. Appreciate it, John, have a great show going forward and, I’ll be back anytime you want.

Speaker 1: Wasn’t that a cool interview I thought so, man, he’s just got so Much knowledge and passion for the city of Queensland. It was great to have him on as a guest. I want to let you know that next week is pollinator week and whether you know it or not, I have honeybee hives. So my guest for next week’s episode is a beekeeper from the company that takes care of my hives. It’s a fascinating interview, and I encourage you to listen to the next episode coincide with the events of pollinator week. And if you’ll indulge me for a moment, I have a little bit of a rant to go on. as a dog owner walking around, I know it’s not the most pleasant task, but if your canine companion does, Cukor pick it up. Plastic baggies, there are barrels in the parks, toss it out. It’s not healthy.

Speaker 1: And quite frankly, it’s disgusting. If you just leave your, your, your pooches poop is Laying in the park or on the sidewalk. I mean, if it’s your dog, it’s your responsibility to pick up after them. And most folks are great about that, but I walk around and I see enough of it to go, listen, we’re all trying to live here together. Just pick it up and toss it in the barrel, please, for all of our sakes. Anyway. End of rant. Thanks for listening tune in next week for my episode, with the beekeepers pollinator week and the all about Quincy podcast. If you know someone who would be a great guest for the alibi Quincy podcast, we want to know about it. Business leaders, historians, unsung heroes, just go to the [email protected]. Fill out the contact form, tell us who you think would be a great guest and why, and we will try to make that happen. So until next week, thanks for listening.